My Client Love Page

Hear from two of my Grow Your Brand: Grow Your Business clients -


Michele Armstrong, The Acorn Principle - Full Business Build Package

Working with Jodee has been Totally Fabulous on many levels. Jodee has a support strategy for whatever stage you are in your business and for whatever level of help you need.

I chose to go with the full management package because my knowledge of running an online academy was limited and I needed the extra help that having it done for me would bring.
Working with Jodee has been an education for me, in terms of learning the rudimentals of running an online business and understanding the language that comes with it. Having the expert advice and support to set up and run successful Facebook Ad campaigns has been a good return on investment and I feel much more equipped to take things forward with confidence.
Above all, I have connected well with Jodee and our working relationship is what makes everything work so well.
She is knowledgeable, patient, kind, flexible, adaptable, clever and very understanding of where I'm coming from.  
I appreciate all that comes with the whole package - it has been one of the best investments I've made in my business.
Michele Armstrong
Book a Call to Chat about your Business Build

Theresa Kahn - Website Build

"Jodee is incredible.Ā  Very professional, trustworthy and generous in what she provides.

She gets you doing a lot of work, which is so beneficial not just so that she could compile a complete website for you, but to help you create your own vision of how you want to be portrayed.  She is then able to translate this into a magnificent bespoke website to match.  Her ability to translate this into a wonderful website, shows her talent, skills and expertise – which is well worth the fee that she charges. 

The many steps from her Totally Fabulous Academy workbook is well thought out too, which makes you ponder, wonder and question about yourself and your own business, resulting in a better understanding overall.  You might wonder at first what it is all about, but once you see the outcome of the work that she has done for you, you know exactly why she has wanted you to provide so much.  The result is ‘Totally Fabulous’!!!  I highly recommend Jodee – you won’t be disappointed…. Totally Fabulous!”


Theresa Kahn-O’Doherty

Talk to Jodee about your website build or migration

Karin Monster-Peters - TotesFab Membership

"First things first...Jodee's energy and enthusiasm for life and business IS what makes her great at what she does!

Can someone actually be enthusiastic about funnels? Well, Jodee can! <3 And she infuses her energy into every new training she brings into the group! Jodee knows her stuff! I also love working with Jodee, because she TRULY believes in you. When things get rough in business and you feel stuck, she just shakes her head, throws ideas your way like she just KNOWS what your next step is and she sets you in motion again!

I would highly recommend this awesome lady for your business growth!"

Karin Monster-Peters

Read more about the Totally Fabulous Membership

Emma Sidney
Totally Fabulous Membershipā€™s first member!

ā€œIā€™ve just realised itā€™s 12 months since Jodee Peevor created this membership.

When she started talking about it I knew I would join and I was the 1st member! The last 12 months have been challenging, fun and my business development has been massive.

This group helps me with the ups and the downs and I love It! I love that you can take the gems you need, be as active or not as you like (after all it's a work in progress) and most of all I love the vibe.

I very much use the structure of the group as part of my business it's not separate as I find this facilitates what I'm doing. It helps me to be consistent and creative.

I'm very very excited about 2018 - lots of wonderful goals which I know this membership will help me achieve and I look forward to reflecting on 2018 having grown a Group myself - and I will be aiming to achieve a similar vibe xx”


Totally Fabulous Membership

Emma Hadley - Income Stream Challenge

Emma took part in Jodee's 6-week Passive Income Challenge

My goal working with Jodee was to start to create a clearer approach to my passive income offering, so that I can develop a sales funnel which will help my clients in an affordable way.

There were points during the passive income challenge where I lost hope and felt frustrated, however Jodee and the group were very supportive. I enjoyed having others to engage with and helping the other members of the group too.

I now feel like I have a clear strategy which I can follow again and I'm really pleased with the product I created. The work continues as I'm now looking at how I can increase my conversion however I'm confident that with time and patience I have a strong offering which will pay dividends.

I would highly recommend Jodee, she's easy to work with and knows what she's talking about. Her attitude and passion for helping people create their business is so refreshing. The best thing for the purposes of the passive income challenge is her ability to adapt to each participant with total support and to keep everyone on track. I feel I can replicate what I've learned and I have an approach which I know will help many people during the years ahead.

Join the membership to take part in Jodee's regular challenges

Gill Hutchinson - Website Build

I was extremely impressed by the recent work you undertook on behalf of one of our clients in developing their website. I know from firstā€hand experience that building a website can sometimes become quite a long and drawn out process, which often occurs after the initial enthusiasm for a new design has worn away and the client is left with the task of producing all the content pages. How refreshing to have a simple process, with the content and design preā€planned, so that the day can be spent actually putting together the website. It allows time to make all the minor decisions about adjustments to suit the preference of the client, as they can immediately see for themselves how different options work in practice. The new website exactly fitted the brief provided at the start of the process. The end result is very impressive. Because the implementation of the site build is done quickly, on a dedicated day, the service is also very cost effective and efficient for the client. There were no additional ‘hidden’ charges here for getting the site to be mobile and tablet friendly, adding a blog page etc etc. I can highly recommend Jodee and the ‘Website in a day’ service from Jodee and her team.

Book a call with Jodee to chat about your project

Carol Shaw - Video Coaching

"Once I was afraid, I was petrified. Before I had Jodee by my side. I spent so many nights making videos so wrong, but now I'm strong, and all my fear is gone".

You too can make those videos you have been putting off because you are afraid to jump in and do it.  Jodee will guide you through the process and give you the skills and confidence you need to make both professional and fun videos whatever business you are in.  I am so glad that we did this, and although the first video was a bit of fun, I am already planning a series for my businesses. 

Book a call with JOdee to chat about business coaching

Jess Wilson - Branding

I absolutely adore my new logo design. From start to finish, Jodee worked with me one on one to establish what I wanted and needed in a design.

I needed a logo that shared my vision for my business and that would be recognizable for my clientele. She made me dig deeper than I had before in the aspect of delving into what my heart felt place for my business was, who my perfect tribe was, and what I wanted to offer to the world from my heart vs "needed to do".  She helped me to discover and reconnect to my WHY and inspired me in so many ways of what I can do with my business, what I can offer, and still be true to myself and my Why. 

I highly recommend her for all your logo/brand/marketing needs! Shes the best! You will not be disappointed!

Chat with Jodee about Branding today

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