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Uncategorized Oct 18, 2017

1. Understanding your Target Audience
2. Knowing their Specific Need and Pain Point
3. Features with Benefits
4. Guarantee and Scarcity
5. Social Proof and Credibility

1. Understanding your Target Audience

Getting inside your ideal client's head is crucial to understanding their needs and wants and ultimately their desires, and its their desires that we want to fulfil. So here's a little exercise for you, I want you to picture your most favourite client ever, think about why they're your favourite client, list the qualities that they have that make them attractive to you for example; they pay on time, they appreciate your value and they're fun to work with.

Now put yourself in their shoes and write a journal entry that goes really deep into their worries and concerns, think about what keeps them up at night, think about what they row with their partner about, think about the conversations they have with their friends and think about their inner drive and determination to achieve their goal.

2. Knowing their Specific Need and Pain Point

The journal entry that you've just written should have brought up several issues that your ideal client is facing, for example my ideal client is someone who wants to launch an online business but they're frustrated by the technology needed to make it fly and this is their pain point. So I know that their need is probably to have someone do it all for them or at least to have lots of help in doing it themselves. 

You can see that the need is not the same as their pain point, in the words of Henry Ford "If I'd asked my customers what they needed they'd have said a faster horse".

3. Features with Benefits

Features lack emotion, they are tangible offerings, but your client needs to buy into the reality of how it will feel to have your solution. So we need to be very clear about not only the features but the benefits they will bring to your client. For example an automatic opener for your umbrella is a feature but the benefit is a scenario - when you're getting out of your taxi with loads of bags having paid the taxi man and you're dealing with your purse, you can open your umbrella one handed meaning you and your bags won't getting sopping wet as you leave the taxi. So have a good think and list not just the features of your offering but the individual and specific benefit(s) of each feature to your ideal client.

4. Guarantee and Scarcity

Guarantee - An easy way to figure out what guarantee to offer is to check out what your top 3 competitors offer and then improve on that, so, for example, if your competitors offer a deadline for refunds you could offer a longer period of time or none at all. This is also known as risk reversal - it reassures the purchaser that there are little or no risks associated with their commitment.

Scarcity - People don't like to feel they're missing out, a well known events organiser whose blogs I follow has an event next year and he has been sending me count down emails to the end of the early bird offer, and even though I'm not going because it's in another continent, even I look at it and think "ooo" because the idea of missing out provides a little frisson. How many times have you thought twice about abandoning your cart in Amazon because there were only 2 items left in stock. Scarcity works, so have a brainstorm about how you can provide scarcity for your offerings.

5. Social Proof and Credibility

If you have qualifications and/or millions of happy clients and success stories and numerous initials after your name then make sure you add these to your sales page. If you don't (and even if you do) you should also ask your existing happy clients for some super testimonials to show that you know what you're doing. If your ideal client trusts you they are more likely to purchase what you have to offer.

So to sum up know your client and why they need you, establish your ability to provide the solution and detail the exact benefits of your offer - now go and check your sales pages and implement any missing pieces!

Jodee's Totally Fabulous Ideas
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I've developed lots of great concepts over the 15 years I've been building beautiful online businesses and I've recorded my favourites on an ideas page for you to watch.

Jodee's Business Essentials